Sonntag, 08.09.2024

Frankreich evacuates tourists from New Caledonia

Tipp der Redaktion

Miriam Fischer
Miriam Fischer
Miriam Fischer ist eine kreative Redakteurin, die mit ihrer Fähigkeit, packende Geschichten zu erzählen und ihre Leser zu fesseln, bekannt ist.

Frankreich has initiated the evacuation of tourists from New Caledonia due to ongoing heavy unrest that has already claimed seven lives. The unrest has been sparked by planned constitutional changes, leading to protests by supporters of independence.

The situation in New Caledonia has been tense for over a week, with the planned constitutional reform triggering the violence. In response to the situation, France has declared a state of emergency, deployed additional security forces, and announced the postponement of the constitutional reform. The airport has been closed, and commercial flights have been canceled. This development has also garnered international reactions, raising concerns about the escalating conflict between pro-independence activists and the French residents.

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